Looking for IT help without the

Our IT specialists are waiting to help your small or medium size business.

We’ve got your back.

Welcome to Rocket IT

If you’re accountable for the technology in your small to medium-sized business, breathe a sigh of relief.
Your life just became a little less complicated…

Let the team give your business a boost.


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Response time satisfaction


Resolution time satisfaction


Communication satisfaction
We understand you

We understand you

At Rocket IT, the key to success is understanding your business and what makes it tick.

We get a kick out of working with businesses that want to harness their potential and focus on the essential things.

We all know how frustrating it can be when your IT isn’t working efficiently, and your team are spending more time trying to get their email to work than on servicing your customers. This is where Rocket IT can help; by working with you, we will help identify the right IT solution for you and then work together with you to implement and support it.

We promise…

To smile and listen.

To respond and fix it quickly.

To always keep you updated and informed.

To put ourselves in your shoes.

To manage your IT budget as if it is our own money.

Secure IT

At Rocket IT, we ensure that your business operations are resilient and your IT infrastructure is robust, offering a wide range of tailored services designed to meet the diverse needs of New Zealand companies. Our team is skilled in areas including IT business continuity planning and IT infrastructure management, helping to keep your operations smooth and secure. With extensive expertise in enterprise IT support, we are equipped to enhance your business productivity and ensure your technological frameworks are both efficient and scalable.

Our comprehensive technology strategy consulting services are perfect for businesses seeking to maximise their IT investments, providing strategic guidance that aligns with your long-term objectives. For smaller enterprises, Rocket IT offers specialised small business IT consultancy that understands the unique challenges faced by emerging companies. We provide scalable small business IT solutions and dedicated IT support services Auckland wide, ensuring that your business receives the support it needs to grow and succeed. Whether you are looking to streamline your operations with cloud migration services or require meticulous IT project management services, we are here to assist.

Rocket IT is committed to being more than just a service provider; we aim to be your trusted partner in fostering technological advancement and security. Through our technology risk assessment, we help protect your systems against potential threats, ensuring robust cybersecurity. Our suite of professional IT services is comprehensive, ranging from custom IT service packages to proactive network security solutions, all designed to support the unique needs of your business. Choose Rocket IT for a partnership that supports your company’s growth and secures its future in the competitive landscape of New Zealand.


Our Net Promoter Score. Apparently, this means our customers think we are excellent. NZ businesses should aim for 30.

Escaping your IT frustrations starts today…

Rocket IT
Microsoft 365 and Azure

We have been managing Microsoft 365 for years and can migrate and support you effortlessly. Our skilled engineers will help make 365 the obvious choice. So get the most out of your Microsoft 365 subscription.

Rocket IT

We have a number of impressive SharePoint implementations under our belt. In addition, we are experts in creating the right file structure and Teams adoption strategy for your business.

Rocket IT

Our suite of security products mean that you can sleep soundly at night. We have you covered. You could become a slicker double clicker with our revolutionary anti virus product.

We keep your systems & data safe with our Rocket Guard suite of products.


The latest from Rocket IT...

Power BI

Power BI

It is coming..... Talk to us now to see how you could use this upcoming service. Don't delay because this will be in great demand. Rocket News We are working together with a trusted partner to bring you Power BI support and implementations Some of the services that...

Everything you need to know about Cyber Protection

Everything you need to know about Cyber Protection

What Cyber Protection controls do you have in place already? There is a saying in Cyber Circles "Hackers don't break into a system, they just log in". If you are a small to medium business, you really need to at least enable MFA for your Microsoft Account and switch...

How we can improve your business

How we can improve your business

Same Sh#t, different day. We like fixing things that are broken, it is what we do well. But the biggest buzz comes from saving our clients time and money using existing technology. There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of solving a problem. I am an old bugger...


Great value for money, good guys, loyal and truly interested in our success

Graeme Gallagher – Group Supply Chain and Systems Manager at New Zealand Panels Group